Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Top 6 Most Significant Movie "Types" of The Past Decade

There was some talk amongst our StopSix writers of doing decade-oriented lists, since in a few days we will see the end of our current ten-year time period and the beginning of another. To list the Top 6 most significant movies of the past decade would be an impossible task, mainly limited by memory constraints. However, ten years ago I viewed and understood movies completely differently than I do now. Sadly, I have become one of those people who sees movies as art now, and one who has absolutely no desire to use movies as a mindless escape. Thus, I'd rather catalogue six different types (not genres) of movies and how my understanding and attitude towards them has developed over the past ten years.

6. The Comedy - I used to sneak into R-rated teen comedies because I thought they were funny. Fortunately, I grew up and not only understood the error of my ways, but the misdirectedness of my sense of humor. Unfortunately, movies did not grow up with me. There are far too few comedies that are actually funny these days. Most of them are content to run with a weak idea that would be overused in a three-minute digital short. One thing I've noticed is that most comedies are funnier after their lines are repeated a thousand times at parties where people aren't clever enough to come up with their own material. That's not a sign of good writing, it's a sign of an untalented public. I can't really blame them though, since their only example of multi-million dollar comedy is the same old jokes being put out by the same old groups in moderately different scenarios.

5. The Alpha Male - I also started the decade loving those awesome movies about soliders and war heroes that lead armies to destroy the forces of evil. It inspired me as a man and made me want to go out into the world and make something of myself. But it turns out that making something of yourself is not as simple as killing an evil army. That's because it turns out that the black and white of good and evil cannot be easily applied to other people or nations. I am not a pacifist, but I am not a fan of films that glamorize the alpha male desire to divide and conquer. War and violence may be necessary, but as soon as we see them as glorious rather than disparaging, we've completely missed the lessons of history. We're already there.
I heard somebody say they enjoyed the stylized violence of a film them saw, and another talk up a film because of its cathardic look at the greatest atrocities of the 20th century. I might have had similar thoughts - ten years ago.

4. The Acid Trip - The indie/artsy movie really made an splash this past decade. Heck, indie-everything was the buzzword of the first ten years of the 21st century. I am far from being a guy who lives and dies by ecclectic films; I'll be the first to argue that an artsy film has foregone depth for abstract presentation. Yet I will admit, that if done properly, there is certainly room for films that are at times bizzare. Really, you can do anything if you do it for the right reasons.

3. The Summer Blockbuster - Some of my old favorite movies were summer blockbusters. I used to love hype, and having to buy tickets in advance just to see a film was reason enough to do so. It also helps that many summer blockbusters of the previous ten years were based off of things I enjoyed as a young boy, or sequels to franchises I already loved. But as the years went along, I noticed that the sequels were not quite as good, or if I took away the nostalgia I had associated with the series, I found out that they really didn't have much to offer at all. Explosions, action and a well-placed score do little if the plot is completely uninspired. This disappointment in summer blockbusters found its pinnacle this past summer in the worst film I had seen in my life, which still made hundreds of millions of dollars. Maybe there's hope for these big-budget summer season flicks, but I'm not holding any out.

2. The Award Contender - In the past I have been quite into seeing what film gets what award, what acting performance was best and so on and so forth. And I do appreciate that nomination lists serve as a good filter for what movies I should watch. However, I hate award cermonies. I usually watch them and get really annoyed with the trivialty of materialistic Hollywood. Truthfully, the amount of awards a movie gets should not determine its value. That being said, like so many others I do tend to base merit along lines of tangible recognition - something I am trying to eradicate from my enjoyment of film as well as other areas of life.

1. The One About The Character - There are many things people will like about a movie. They may like the music, the action, the special effects, the lighting or the filmography. But what makes a movie timeless or a story powerful is the characters. I noticed that over the past decade all my favorite movies have involved a character or characters that I find impacting, aspire to be like or relate to. The movies people like say a lot about themselves, even in the case of an escapist film. That's because movies, like any form of human art, are made by people and are thus inherently about people. Our fascination with art is really just a fascination with persons.

Friday, November 27, 2009

Top 6 Reasons Why I Should be in Ohio

6) My Name- Mark is only one syllable, just like the name James. Put the name Bond at the end and it sounds more like James Bond, the name is Mark, Mark Bond. Sounds more like the movie.

5) I Like Turkey- I love eating turkey dinners, I could eat them at least once a week and I appreciate them for what they are, a delicious family tradition.

4) I'm Good at Meeting the Parents- I think we all know how much Alysha's parents love me and I think I could demand the same respect and fondness from Ian's parents as well. Tell a few jokes, tell them I think there son is a hard worker and they'll be head over heels for me.

3) I Know the Local Sports Teams- Mr. Bond and I could sit down and enjoy the local sporting event like watching the Cincinnati Bengals play football or the Cleveland Cavaliers play basketball. I feel like it could be some bonding moments that could once again score me points.

2) I've Also Worked at a Camp- I know both Becca and Ian have worked at a camp, but so have I. The stories I have are just as relevant as their stories. I could tug on the Bond's heart strings with an emotional story about the troubled kid or tell them a bust a gut funny story about kids wetting their beds, really, I have all the basics covered.

1) I Know American History- I've studied the Ohio River Valley, I know George Washington attacked a small French settlement which sparked the French Indian War which then sparked the 7 Years War which changed history. I could take the Bond family on a tour of their own state and tell them about it.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Top Six Thoughts Keeping Me Awake Right Now

1- I should not drink coffee at 3pm when I have to get up at 5:20am the next morning.

2 - Why won't my hair stay clean for longer than 15 minutes after I shower? I'm going to look like a slob upon arrival tomorrow.

3 - Is my computer really an essential item to bring this weekend? How will I get it through security? Which bag should I put it in?

4 - Why is my cat snoring?

5 - If I fell asleep right now I'd get 3hrs and 10 mins of sleep.

6 - What if my plane crashes on an island that no one can find? I would stay faithful to Ian...even if Jack Shepherd was there. I promise. If my plane disappears, please look near Fiji...and beware of electromagnetic....something...I still don't quite understand how the whole Lost thing works

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Top Six Things To Do in the Mall When You Forget Your Debit Card

This may or may not have happened to me today. I may or may not have had $9.50 in my wallet. I may or may not have done all of these things. you will have to guess.

6- Go into dressing rooms and listen to the conversations that the attendants are having. Apparently Girl A and Boy A are a really cute couple but Girl A doesn't like that Boy A tells his best friend, Girl B that he loves her. Ouch.

5- Go into stores that you don't usually frequent. Jewelery stores are fun, and sparkley. The Store of Knives doesn't only have knives, they also have fun gadgets like ice cream scoops and vegetable peelers. Who knew?

4 - Instead of passing by all those kiosk workers you usually ignore, let them give you their speal about how great their product is. Takes up time and allows them to practice for people who actually have money.

3 - Try on clothes that you would never actually buy or afford. It's fun to pretend you can afford a $200 dress. Plus it makes you feel like a movie star.

2 - Buy a cheap book and read it in the food court. My suggestion - any Archie Comic of your choice. Sure to take up at least an hour.

1 - Go into stores and talk to people. Every time you talk to a new person, use a different accent. Make up fun stories about where you are from. or pretend you don't speak english and you have a really urgent problem, this one only works if you speak more than one language....or are good at faking one.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Top 6 Bears

Because Ursidae are our friends.

6. Yogi - I really hate cartoons where the protagonist is a bumbling loser who makes life hard for another character who's just trying to do his best. Naturally, I'm not a fan of Yogi Bear. Ranger Smith is just trying to keep things at Jellystone park going fine, and there's Yogi stealing all of the "pikinik" baskets. However, Yogi is a pretty big deal, so I'll give him some props and put him in at number 6.

5. Paddington - Before I even knew that this bear had his own cartoon show, I remember having a small Paddington Bear calendar. All of the pictures featured a stuffed-animal version of Paddington in some of the coziest scenes I have seen in my life. I longed to be in that cozy world of Paddington, and I still do. Props to you Paddington for finding the coziest things in life.

4. Smokey the - He's really just concerned about forest fires. Unfortunately, he hasn't yet learned that uncontrolled forest fires can actually be a help in certain situations, especially in pest management. Maybe Smokey's the guy to blame for the pine beetle problem in British Columbia. Maybe there needs to be another bear that shows Smokey where it's at - that only uncontrolled forest fires can prevent excessive economic damage to human activities by killing off the mountain pine beetles. How about that, Smokey?

3. Bear Grylls - Anyone can survive in the wilderness - it's called being a nomad. People did it for years, but then they built houses and lived in those. I don't get the big deal about adding more inconvenience to your life by living with trees. That's what's so great about Bear Grylls of Man vs. Wild fame. He's not actually trying to survive in crazy situations - he's just pretending to and making a lot of money for it. Apparently some of his exploits are faked. I don't know if this is true but, this is a blog and blogs are for perpetuating unsubstantiated rumors.

2. Baloo - Baloo is an inspirational story for us all. He started singing songs to a boy in the Jungle, and ended up becoming a pilot with his own TV show. Not bad for a beast.

1. Winnie the Pooh - Thank you Winnie the Pooh for being my childhood. Thank you that the 100 Acre Wood is a land of endless fun and happiness. Thank you for bringing Tigger into my life. Thank you for having a voice that sounds like my grandmother.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Top Six Things That Grind My Gears Today

6) Food - I have a sensitive stomach. The cafeteria food at school makes it feel like it is exploding. The cafeteria food also makes my taste buds which they were non existant.

5) Money - I lost my job yesterday. They're closing down the bookstore at school for the rest of the semester. Thus I have no job as of now.

4) Noise - The boys above me are loud. Real loud. They play stupid music and thump around like they are elephants. No one cares that it bothers me.

3) Long Distance Relationships - no explanation needed

2) Internet - it is slow.

1) Sickness - my throat started hurting. i have a cough. i am nauseous. if you don't hear from me for awhile you might want to check if i've died of swine flu.

I am thinking that if things don't get better I might just pull a Finneas and drop out with one semester left of school.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Top 6 reasons Capital Hill is a Beacon of Hope

So I'm back in Victoria all be it for who knows how long but my friend and I have a nice little place we call Capital Hill. Named after the glorious capital in Washington D.C. and I truly believe believe we are an extension of that inspirational instution and here is why...

6) We Hate Communism- Nothing grinds our gears more than Socialist ideas. One of our friends hate capitalism and loves Marx like the Lover she truly wants. We constantly remind her how she gets to our house, by money. Money to pay for gas, for her car, for her clothes. If those Commi bastards came over to Canada we would all be driving Russian motor bikes that run on good intentions going from farm to farm for the collective good of the country, collective good, who needs that?

5) Were both White Men- Everyone knows that the people who get things done are white men. Were the ones who colonized the world and got rid of terrorists because they attacked America. If it wasn't for the white man, I would not be writing this at a computer with a light over my head, take that Women's Studies.

4) We Love Freedom- Nothing says freedom like walking home to your furnished place and watching a sporting event on a huge TV in High Definition while having five different appliances run at once. Because of the post above, Im able to live a life free of tyranny and fear because Al Quadia is on the run. With America showing all freedom and courage to fight against these evil doers, it inspires me to live my life with the most excess possible and know that I deserve it because Im friends with America. Which leads me to my next point.

3) We Love America- Honestly, when has America ever steered us wrong. Looking back at all the times it saved us from a potential deadly foe. Do I need to list them? The USSR, Vietnam, Iraq, Iran. These countries all wanted to bring America to its knees with their socialist ways and potential nuclear weapons but do you know who stood tall in the face of adversity, men like George Bush and Richard Nixon were shining lights in a dark world. Both me and my roommate say how thankful we are that we can live here and be free because of the glorious battles won in the fields of Vietnam or by the fearless spies in Moscow. One more thing, WW2, look who brought the pain to those Nazi's.

2) We Love Capitalism- Who doesn't? It get things done and pays the bill so corporate CEO's can fly in their private jets to Gilbraltar for the weekend. people say Capitalism is flawed because it exposes rescources and makes the richer even more rich and poorer even more poor. We got news for you, its called life. People may also say that the economic collapse last fall showed Capitalism's flaws. We say it was like when Optimus Prime was defeated in Transformer's 2, he might have shown weakness, but he came back stronger than ever and destroyed Megatron or whatever that guys name was (Probably Lenin or Stalin). Were all about earning money so we can purchase items for ourselves in a business interaction.

1) We Love Barack- What a story, a society so loving and accepting of all cultures throughout its history. The elect a mn based on the quality of their character, not the color of their skin. Even though a self proclaimed "Maverick" was tempting, Americ showed it was color blind. For that we salute America (Refer to Post#3) for being mature and grown up. As we speak I am looking at the Barack poster in our living room saying to all of us, "Our destiny isn't written for us, but by us." Wow, what can you say other than that is the man to lead this world into a future brighter than the sun.

Top 6 Forms of Alternative Transportation

Everybody's going green these days, and since I follow crowds, I guess I will too.

6. A Cannon - You know what grinds my gears? It's how the circus doesn't get enough blame. Who pioneered animal cruelty? Who first made a mockery of funny-looking and genetically damaged people? Who invented clowns? Who forced nimble people to flip around at dangerous heights and perform death-defying feats with no regard for their safety? Nowadays, people still love the circus. You may think the Cirque de Soleil is all trendy and whatnot, but I guarantee you that somewhere in the back some clowns are beating on poor acrobatic bear-mutants.
But the one thing that the circus has done right was the usage of cannons. Not only are they fuel-efficient, they're a whole lot faster than what you're probably used to. Also, they most likely won't break down as much as your car since all you need is a tube and an explosion! Maybe a helmet too...

5. An Umbrella - Everyone's talking about using wind power these days. So how come nobody mentions wind's best friend - the umbrella? Merely open it on a blustery day and you're off! The downsides are that you have absolutely no control over where you go, and if the wind isn't in your favor, then you're screwed. However, it forces you to stay in shape because otherwise you'll never make it off the ground.

4. Pipes - Contrary to popular belief, you can actually defy gravity in these bad boys. You don't always fall down them, but can also go up, sideways or a combination of any directions you want! Just watch out for piranha flowers.

3. Magic Carpet - Great for a date.

2. Mechanized Robotic Exoskeleton - You know what else grinds my gears? People abusing their power. It's the only reason we don't all have our own personal mechanized robotic exoskeletons. It was fun for everyone at first, using their rocket thrusters to zoom all around and whatnot. Then, some joker goes ahead and uses the built-in laser-guided "Meteor Storm" cluster bomb device. BAM! Nobody gets to use them anymore.

1. Flying - There are millions of people who can fly. If only they believed...

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Top 6 Television Characters That Epitomize My Character Flaws

I am not perfect, and TV has helped me better understand that.

6. Dr. Dorian, Scrubs - JD may be ridiculous in a charming sort of way, but he has a fairly big flaw. That flaw is his belief that people are interested in his life. Don't get me wrong, I find his life pretty interesting at points. But truthfully it is a little pretentious to think that people want to follow eight-plus years of your life and witness your every odd thought and experience. I can't be too harsh on JD, however, since I also consider my life experiences to be worth sharing. Many victims of my self-centric existence have been made subject to boring tales of my life that I find fascinating.

5. Jerry Seinfeld, Seinfeld - A lot of people enjoy Seinfeld because the characters are such losers. I'm not so quick to say that myself, since I relate to the characters more often than I should. The best example of this is found in Jerry, when he claims that he doesn't want to be with a girl with "man hands". I understand that. Like Jerry, I have often turned aside many good things because of minute details that I obsess over.

4. Peter Parker, Spider-Man - Just because you have super powers doesn't entitle you to be the determining force of justice. There is a legal system in place, and it applies to all members of society - mutant or not. Although I am still not a mutant, I still think that I know better than everyone else. Silly, silly me.

3. James Ford a.k.a. "Sawyer", Lost - Sawyer likes to give people nicknames. He thinks it is funny. They don't like it. I tried nicknaming everyone at my old school because I thought it would be funny. Nobody liked it. So I stopped.

2. Michael Scott, The Office - The difference between Michael and I is sheer ignorance. Michael says terribly awkward things because he doesn't know better. I like to say such things because I think there is a lot of good in bringing up uncomfortable truths. I guess that makes me worse than Michael, since I can't even play the ignorance card.

1. Dr. Gregory House, House M.D. - There's a lot of things wrong with House, but the one I'm most related to myself is his inability to let things go. There's nothing like wasting three hours on your computer trying to figure out a single question on your Chemistry pre-lab that makes you realize that maybe it's okay not to have all the answers. Like House, I've heard this many times, yet I still keep trying.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Top 6 Things That Suck About The "In Between Times"

Camp ended on Saturday and I don't move in to school until Sunday. LAME.

6. You never know when to eat - When you are on a schedule, such as at Camp or School, you have set meal times. The past few days I have wandered into the kitchen much more often than necessary or (like today) forgotten to eat.

5. It seems useless to unpack - Thus all of my stuff is sitting around my room unorganizedly just waiting to be moved again.

4. Everyone else is too busy to see you - Everyone else has jobs to do, I only have a week to see people and they are all to busy. Hence...

3. Boredom sets in - I've watched too much TV, checked my facebook countless times and sit waiting for the phone to ring (hoping it's someone calling me back but usually it's not).

2. It's really tempting to lay in bed all day - maybe not a bad thing but at the same time, I like to be productive. I keep trying to convince myself that catching up on sleep IS productive but I don't believe myself...and neither does my mom.

1. I miss people - I think once I get busy with school and student council and ministry and work and life it will be easier to not miss people as much. But right now I miss Firwood and all the people involved. And I keep thinking in worst case senarios and hating that my best friend isn't coming back to school and thinking that no one will want to hang out with me at school and I'll just be a loner all the time. What a sad life that will be...

Monday, July 27, 2009

Top 6 Best "Unusual" Places To Be A Doctor

I have ventured on a long path of trying to become a physician. I'm really enjoying it. However, I will enjoy being a doctor a lot more than trying to be one. Or so I hope.
In thinking about my future, I have day-dreamt some fantastical situations that I could get myself into where being a doctor will be even more totally awesome. Here they are:

6. In a regular, social gathering crowd - This is the classic one. Somebody starts choking, faints or bleeding from their eyes and a cry for help is raised. In steps me: "It's okay. I'm a doctor." A hush of awe overcomes the crowd as I pull out my handy-dandy "doctor tool belt" that sports all of the medicine I would ever need (all doctors carry them around). In a few short moments, I would restore the individual back to better health than they ever had. Applause ensues.

5. During a pandemic - I love Organic Chemistry. I never thought that I would be able to say that truly. It's the first class where studying rarely feels like studying. Knowledge of how to synthesize ketones brings me joy. Hopefully I'll continue to study it, so that when that really big pandemic comes and wipes out 2/3 of the world, I'll be okay. I'll be able to synthesize my own antidote and go on a quest to save the world. Despite my best efforts, much tragedy will still result, causing me to be plagued with Schindler-like woe. I will become a dynamic character full of alternating joy and torment. And those are the best kind.

4. On a date - Think of all the wonderfully cheesy lines you could use on a date. Or what if your date experiences a health crisis while dating you? No problem. You save her, and she's yours forever. And getting dates isn't a problem either when you're a doctor.

3. In a war - To be completely honest with you, I think the world is going to explode sometime soon. A lot of people are afraid of that - but not me. As a physician, I will be virtually immortal. Somebody blows my arm off? No problem! I'll just sew it back on. And I wouldn't even have to kill anybody if there were conscription. I could just work at the hospital, taking care of all the wounded.

2. As a castaway on an island - The entire cast of Lost would be dead by now if it weren't for Dr. Jack Shepard.

1. In space - Everything is at its coolest in space.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Top 6 Things I Love About Junior Campers

I’ve come up with quite a few ideas for blog entries but this is the one that is winning right now. If you haven’t read the post before this by Finneas you a) should and b) won’t know that I am away working at a summer camp in Western Washington. Last week was our first week with Junior Campers and I think they are officially my favorite age group (you can expect future entries on the Top 6 Thing I Love About Junior High Campers and then High School Campers). Junior Campers are grades 3-6.

6) They’re so little. Every single one of them is cute. They run around just being their little selves and it’s adorable.

5) They say hilarious things. One camper last week wrote a story during free time one day. She read it to me and I kept the paper she wrote it on. The first line is "A puppy walking down the road grabbed by a bloody hand...". Creepy? Yes. Hilarious? Obviously.

4) They think you’re great no matter how cool you actually are. There was a camper here to was in my cabin last summer and she was convinced that if she told me she was homesick I would let her go home. Not in my power at all. But we spent a lot of time together and she just really liked me. We didn't do anything amazingly cool but we painted pictures for her counselors and we ran around picking up dodgeballs for the people who were playing dodgeball. Apparently this makes me cool.

3) They are really easily amused. One day last week I played with a couple girls for half an hour. What did we play? How many times can we throw this ball to each other without dropping it? The record was 40.

2) They hug me. I told the counselors that I like it when campers cry because then they hug me. I really like hugs.

1) They wear the same clothes all week. My personal favorite from last week was Beth who wore a blue flannel onesie all week...seriously...every single day. Socks and flip flops were also a part of the getup I believe...

I think I might have to write more about Junior Campers because I really love them. But I'll save it for another week. Maybe Top Six Junior Camper Quotes or something.

Monday, June 29, 2009

Top 6 Things I Miss About Lady B

Lady B has up and gone away for the rest of the season, and I am much distraught. I knew the summer would be hard without her, but I never thought that even the past few weeks would be as hard as they have already been. This is a tribute to her, and all she does to enrich my life.

6. Her hair - Many poems have been written about women's hair, but none would be able to capture the beauty of Lady B's brunette locks. They are strong, like a douglas fir, yet soft and gentle like a supple field mouse. Her hair carries the scent of everything that is beautiful in the world. She doesn't know this, but I stole a lock of her hair before she left. But it is not enough.

5. Her smile - Some people say that snow is pure. Others claim it about a perfect oyster. Those fools have not seen the brilliance of Lady B's smile. This purity is both literal and metaphorical - she keeps her teeth and her innocence of spirit, which is displayed in her smile, equally clean. When I see her smile, I feel as if the whole world is smiling. Maybe that's because she is my world. She doesn't know this, but I stole her baby teeth. But they are not enough.

4. The Way She Lights Up A Room - I was once in a dark room, full of hurt, despair and anguish. Surrounding me were folks who had been through the worst, seen great loss and felt unbelievable hardship. Then Lady B walked into the room, and that all was forgotten. The cavalcade of sufferers and myself started to leap about with glee. The cries of sorrow turned to cries of ecstasy, for we did not know what we had done to deserve such a wonderful privilege. She doesn't know this, but I stole a picture of her at that moment. But it is not enough to comfort me during her absence.

3. The Way She Makes Me Feel Inside - When I am down, and oh, my soul so weary. When troubles come, and my heart burdened be. Then I am still, and sit there in the silence, until she comes, and sits a while with me. You see, she raises me up, so that I can walk on mountains. She raises me up, to walk on stormy seas. I am strong, only when I am on her shoulders. She raises me up, to more than I can be. She doesn't know this, but this song was actually written for her. Yet it's lyrics do not capture the essence of her essence.

2. Her Elegance - She certainly deserves the "Lady" that is in her name. She is like a fawn of the meadows. She is like a dragon, flying in a summer breeze. She never wears anything less fancy than her best evening gown, and her hair is always perfect. Lady B eats her dessert with the proper fork, and stirs her coffee with the proper spoon. She knows how to discuss political issues of the day in any of the 5 major world languages. She doesn't know this, but I am learning all these languages, so I can come up with more ways to express myself to her. I'm also inventing my own language, that only she and I will share. But I've learned that words cannot convey my feelings.

1. Her Love - Lady B has no spite in her. She does not waste time holding grudges. Many have tried to enrage her for the sake of pure science, but it is impossible. No matter what you do to her, she will overlook it for a greater purpose. This quality of hers, although far from me now, eases my heart. Her love is good enough.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Top 6 Wedding Moments I've Had

6) Terrible Songs- I dont know why every middle age woman who can play D G A on guitar decides they must perform at a wedding. At a wedding on the weekend a lady played while the couple was signing the registery. She proceeds to drop her mike, forget the words, and nearly crys in a train wreck attempt to perform. I wish someone would gently tell her maybe its not her time. The killer was she peforms again at the reception and proceeds to sing a depressing song about how the bride almost died at birth. Like I said, a train wreck.

5) The Casual Approach- While working at Homewood in the summer of 2007 I was invited to a wedding at the nd of summer. I really had no nice clothes to wear. I proceeded to wear shorts and a $12 button shirt from Old Navy. The groom loved me for it and I think the bride was ok, however, the brides mother was less than impressed. I could see in the receving line up that she judged me before I met her because of my questianble wedding attire. I later came to the conclusion that she is scary crazy.

4) The Wedding Road Trip_ Last summer going to Calgary was probably one of the biggest gong shows. We drove through the night in a '87 Volvo to Calgary and it was a grind. While in the other car there was a couple who came but were broken up. They wanted to keep up the appearance of being together so it made the whole weekend a little uncomfortable. While in Calgary I got a ticket for riding the C train without a ticket and the wedding just brought on more shenigens. Perhaps the most memorable thing I saw was my friend drinking from 2 wine bottles at once and that pretty much summed up the gong show weekend. However, it was fun none the less.

3) Being Late for Weddings- The wedding on the weekend I was at my friend and I thought it started at 330 when it really started at 3. As we walk in at 315 we figure we have lots of time but in reality were already late. We run past the groom and his groomsmen and wish them good lucl as the brides mon yells at us to get to our seats. Everything worked out and we werent the latest people there either.

2) CLA Weddings- Nothing is more classic than a CLA wedding. The classic ceremony in the ugly former orange pews of the sanctuary and then a stand up reception in the gym with finger food. What more is there to say other than the fact I cant imagine a place more unatrractive for a wedding. Im sorry, it had to be said.

1) The Quotes- Weddings bring about some of the greatest lines said. For instance telling the best man at the wedding that women and homosexuals drink wine with non-alcholic punch in them. Perhaps the greatest quote Ive ever heard was from a good friend of mine. While watching a slide show at a wedding and listening to the music people were emotional. I asked my friend if she was crying. She responded by saying, "We're not crying cause were sad, we're crying because were single." Pure Gold.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Top Six Dumb Things Boys Have Said To Me

I haven’t had good luck with guys. There were a few years there where the only guys who liked me were…well, guys that Jesus loves but I wasn’t all that in to. Here are a few experiences that I have grown to appreciate.

6. The Pizza Order – Once when I was working at a pizza place a guy came in to place a take out order. He said to me, “I’d like a large pepperoni pizza and your phone number. Please”. I didn’t give him my phone number.

5. The Grad Date – When I was in Grade 12 this guy asked me to grad. I didn’t really know what to say, honestly I didn’t want to go with him, I wasn’t sure I even wanted to go with anyone. After I told him that I didn’t know what to say he said “Don’t worry, you can take the weekend to think about it, I just didn’t want you to have to go alone”. Thanks.

4. The Dutch Treat – this one didn’t happen to me, it happened to my sister, but I thought it was worth mentioning. My dear sister Jess went out for sushi with a guy once. When he got to the restaurant he said to her, “I just spent my last $7 on gas, so you’re going to have to get this one”. I understand that gas is expensive, but if you’re going out and you need gas maybe you can borrow a few dollars from a friend? I don’t know, just a thought.

3. The One I Don’t Have a Title For – I went to high school with this guy who didn’t like me. I really liked him but I guess I just ticked him off. Our first year out of high school we both did this one year program at Summit Pacific College. We went on a retreat the first weekend and I figured we should figure out our relationship before the year went horribly wrong. I told him that I didn’t care if he liked me as long as he treated me with respect. His answer? “I really want to like you, I just can’t do it”! We talked about this conversation a few months ago – he’s blocked it from his memory and asked me to forgive him. I said yes.

2. The First Time I Was Asked Out – this is a good one. It happened over MSN. It was two weeks before my 16th birthday and I was talking to a boy who was a grade younger than me from school. He told me he wanted to go out with me and I said no ( I said it nicer than just “no” but it would take up too much room to write it all out) he asked me to give him one good reason why I wouldn’t go out with him and I gave him three. 1) I’m older than you, 2) I barely even know you and 3) I don’t have feelings for you. He replied with, You’re not that much older than me, you probably know me better than anyone I know and we can work on that last one. When he persisted I told him that he’d have to ask my parents’ permission before I said yes, ‘Okay, but just to warn you, parents love me’. The next day at school he asked me if I would say yes if my parents said yes, I told him no and that was finally the end of it.

1. The Pizza Delivery Guy – This is the story you all have been waiting for. I worked at a pizza place for 4 years. For part of that time I worked with a guy, let’s call him Jimmy. Jimmy was about 30 years old and he delivered pizza. He started asking me a lot about the Bible and Jesus and all that good stuff and I was excited to share. Then one day he came in to work and told me he had a present for me. He handed me a box and told me not to open it until I got home. Luckily my boss sent me to the store to pick up some lettuce and I took my purse along. On the way I opened the box and a ring dropped out. It was a sparkly mood ring that said ‘I (heart) you’ on it. There was also a letter inside. ‘Dearest Angel…” I stuffed the box back into my purse, bought the lettuce, went back to work and promptly told my boss I wasn’t feeling well. I began the walk home, reading the letter. I don’t remember it word for word but here is a pretty good paraphrase of some of the best parts.

“Dearest Angel,

From the moment I saw you I loved you. When I saw your penmanship I fell even deeper in love…If you were to love me back I would be the luckiest man on earth. We are like two ducks floating on a lotus pond, or two dragons floating in the summer breeze, that is what I dream for us…”

There was more but I don’t remember it. The best part was he signed it with his email address and phone number and the post statement said, “Do Not (not was underlined three times) tell anyone about this”. No kidding don’t tell anyone about the 30 year old proclaiming his love for his 17 year old co-worker!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Top 6 Debunked Lies That Cartoons Taught Me

6. Cataclysms don't precede a moment of digestion. If something major happens, like a large explosion or a revelation of one's own origin, you do not get a two-minute commercial to let it settle. And for the really big ones, the words "To Be Continued..." don't appear at the bottom of the screen, giving you a week's recluse from the problem.

5. Living with your friends and having crazy adventures is not as fun as it sounds. Most of the time, the only enemy you want to fight once your friends move in are the friends themselves. And not in the "you-pretended-to-be-my-friend-but-secretly-were-the-enemy-all-along-man-what-a-great-plot-twist" sort of way. Just the really annoying way.

4. Animals don't talk.

3. You can't hide your identity just by wearing a mask around your eyes. You most likely have to have something that covers your entire face. Probably your hair too.

2. If you accidentally run off a cliff, you can't maintain anti-gravity just by not looking down.

1. If you really want something but you just can't get it, don't keep trying. Let it go, man. Let it go.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Top 6 Songs from my New Employment Album

So here are the top 6 most anticipated songs from my new album of covers tune about working called "Nurseryland or CT and Everything in Between"

6) Card Denied- Cover of Orange Sky by Alexi Murdoch
5) Clearance- Cover of Changes by David Bowie
4) Workers in Langley- Cover of Lovers in Japan by Coldplay
3) A Homewood Fairytale- Cover of A Dustland Fairytale by The Killers
2) Stock it Like it's Hot- Cover of Drop it Like it's Hot by Snoop Dog
1) Out of My Way (I Don't Want to Pay)- Cover of Light My Way (Ultraviolet) by U2

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Top Six Things That Creep Me Out

Something that should be known is I have a lot of quirky things about me. There are things that really creep me out and maybe some of them are dumb, but here we go.

6) When People Chew Loudly – It’s just gross. It really bothers me. Seriously, learn to chew with your mouth closed. Enough said.

5) The Bottom of the Ocean – Not that bad, but I do not like the feeling of all the gross crud at the bottom of the ocean or the lake. Sand is fine, rocks are fine, weeds are not. Maybe I’m just afraid of the fish or that there’s going to be something that cuts me. I don’t like it.

4) Animals – They are just really creepy! You never know what they are thinking and they don’t know any words so how can they even think at all? AND you never know what they are going to do. I don’t know, they’re creepy!

3) Milk – Okay, I like milk products. I love ice cream and I love cheese and milk and all that good stuff. But seriously, milk products are creepy; especially when they come from other people’s fridges. One time my friend Miguel took a Fruit Loop out of my cereal bowl and I almost refused to eat the rest of it. I don’t have an explanation for it. The worst thing would be sharing a spoon when you’re eating ice cream or yoghurt (especially yoghurt!). I’m really fine sharing food but ice cream and yoghurt are a no go…and apples, that’s weird too.

2) Rodents – Sort of like the first one…but seriously, ew. Rodents are gross. They eat disgusting things and live in places you don’t want them to live. And what the heck is with the surprise of them. You never really expect to find a mouse, it’s always a surprise and you’re like “Holy Crap, there’s a mouse!” Last summer I was sleeping in my cabin (at camp) and in the middle of the night my friend started freaking out and there was a mouse IN MY BED. NOT COOL. We ended up sleeping in her car for the rest of the night.

1) Farm Animals – These are on a whole other level from regular animals. There is something about farm animals that make my skin crawl. They are smelly and dirty and sometimes you eat them. It is SO weird to me to think of meat. I like eating meat but I just can’t think about what it really is. Farm Animals are the worst out of any other types of animals.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Top 6 Songs that are Grinding my Gears Right Now

6) Boom (Black Eyed Peas)- First of all my distain for this band runs long and deep in my life. This new "wonder" they came up with is the worst yet. Its essentially a bunch of idiots yelling boom and thinking there legitimate artists. Will I Am is not legitiamite. Anyone who features in A Flo Rider song can automatically be put in the category of "Thinks he's good enough to collabarate but a real artist wouldnt collabarate with him so he had to go with Flo Rida." But perhaps the most horrifying thing is the fact they're opening for U2 in October, I'm already working on insuhlts I can yell at tghem from my seat.

5) Spin Me Right Round (Flo Rida)- Whats the deal with people trying to bring back mediocore 80's songs? They were sort of cool then but they're definetly not cool now. Its like the industry got together and said," What if we put beats and rap to these 80's songs? We wont have to be creative because clearly we suck at that and we can look bad ass doing it." I dont know where to start with this song other than giving it 2 thumbs down. Good work Flo Rida, only 2 posts and you have been mentioned in both.

4) Most of Hill Song United (Hill Song United)- This has been brewing for a long time and if your offended by this Im not sorry. I fully support what they do and the message, I just want to hear it done in a different way. Im tired of the long drawn out solo's and the silence where the crowd is singing like its a generational anthem. Also, what about this poetic genius, "I will read my bible and pray everyday." Im pretty sure they have a music school and stuff in Australia and the best they can come up with is that line. Im pretty sure Sunday school children are taught that phrase from the age of three. Im sorry Hillsong, support the message but the finsih isn't there for me.

3) Know Your Enemy (Green Day)- Alright Green Day, you've been found out, you just dont have the chops anymore. You started off so well with early stuff like Dookie, it was fun and different in a pop bands world. However, American Idiot? What were you trying to pull, the appeasement of kids who are sort of angsty and pretend to hate George Bush? How much did you pay the people at the Grammy's to bestow you with far too many honors for the album that was terrible. Then you release Know Your Enemy, its excactly the same but perhaps even more toned down and perhaps a little crappier, I think the only enemy you have is time, and its catching up with your music at the speed of sound.

2) Kiss me Through the Phone (Soulja Boy)- Terrible artist, has one popular song and dance number. Put this one trick pony out to stud (Probably with Men). Dont try and show an "Emotioanl Side" about missing your "Shorty." Do everyone a favour and fade back into your 15 mins of fame.

1) Africa (Karl Wolf)- So remember that band Sky who had that hit "Love Song" a few years ago. Well the lead singer is back covering another marginal 80's song. I don't know where to start. First of all, the music video is the guy on some beach (Not in Africa) trying to chase after a girl who keeps eluding him. If he's on an island how does he not get her, there is no one else there for her to get with. Wait maybe its his fat rapper buddy who's wearing a San Francisco 49'ers jersey with Terrle Owens number on the back. This version of the song is offensice to the ears and mind. Thanks Canadian music industry for producing amother "Gem." Do you know what really grinds my gears, this song. If I ever meet Karl Wolf in real life here is my promise. I will tell him to go to Africe with his rapper buddy andsee what that continent is really like, punch him in the face, and proceed to run so his rapper buddy won't cap me.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Top 6 Similes To Use When Ending A Relationship

My good friend "mo' money mo' problems" already posted a similar list on what to DO when you break up with somebody. To support that ambition, I would like to provide a list of what to SAY when you break up with somebody. Combine the two entries together, and you will be fully prepared for any break-up you want to pull off.

6. "Baby, the truth is that opening up a relationship with you has been like opening Pandora's Box. I've released hatred, envy, strife, scorn, rejection, pain, suffering and all that is malicious into my life. But don't worry, baby, there's still hope left in the box. Hope for today - the day I close the box for good."

5. "Baby, the truth is that appeasing you has been like Chamberlain's appeasement of Hitler, with more disastrous results."

4. "Baby, the truth is that adding you into my life has been like adding that female ninja turtle into the live action TV show - very ill-advised."

3. "Baby, the truth is that seeing you regularly has allowed me to see what is truly beautiful in this world. Other women."

2. "Baby, the truth is that talking with you is just like talking with myself. Both are signs that I'm going insane."

1. "Baby, the truth is that searching for your love was like searching for a summer job. No matter how hard I tried, I always ended up getting screwed."

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Top 6 Careers I Should Pursue

Hello dearest readers. Although you only know me as the brilliance behind Stop Six Records, you might be surprised that there is much more you could learn about me. I'm not going to tell you what, because I don't really want you to know what. But, I have successes and struggles just like 75% of other people. My main struggle now is figuring out what my career should be. Thus, I will muse about it on my favorite blog.

6. Astronaut - I wrote a good physics midterm a few weeks back, and being a space cadet has always been a cool thought. I figure though that once you look down on the earth from the moon it gets boring just like everything else in life. And the chances of being picked for a space mission are pretty slim, last I checked. The only advantage would be if the earth was destroyed while I was in space. Then I could proceed with my own galactic civilizations!

5. Writer - I love writing Stop Six Records, but really, it doesn't pay much. That's one of the main problems with careers - you always need to be making money with them, otherwise it's sort of counterproductive. And I tried just writing once, and got very frustrated. Then I decided on the next career path...

4. Doctor - The thought of being able to heal people is awesome. Hence why I started down this path. But, my grades aren't what they should be. It's not that I'm taking this as an obstacle I don't care to overcome. Rather, for the amount of work I'm putting into it, I'm really not getting the results I should. Science is not my thing. It wasn't in high school, and it isn't now. It's something I could do decently if I really stuck with it, but it's not my thing.

3. Lawyer - I'm a great arguer. Also, I would consider myself unrivaled at public speaking. Arrogant, I know - but I'm that too. Law is thus interesting, but I wonder if it's just another new idea to get me excited for a few weeks.

2. Actor - It would be fun. Real fun. But we all know the logistics of it just don't make sense.

1. Spider-Man - But I would need to remember that with great power, comes great responsibility.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Top 6 reasons I'm Concerned About a 40 Something Lady Moving Into My House

6) Kitchen Use- Ill be honest, Im a man on the go, I don't have a lot of time to do dishes and stuff like that so I leave them for a few days. Im concerned that I will cause a controversy with my dishes and I'll have to reform my ways. I am a man who likes things to be a certain way. There is also potential for things to be moved around in the kitchen and Im going to get home at 1130 one night and Ill see my George Foreman Grill will be turned into a scone maker.

5) Awkward Interactions- It will happen, I'm probably going to run into her from time to time and I'm going to have make conversation with someone who is perhaps the most extreme of my bracket of age and sex etc. Ill ask her how school is going while I make dinner and I'm sure I'll run out of things to say and there will be a silence and I'll probably fill the silence by asking a stupid question or giving her too much information about myself. Not Cool.

4) Dress Code- When I wake up in the morning I have not much on, mostly boxers. I believe a universal right of every man should be to walk around in a towel in his own house. I fear this privilige will be lost. I don't want to cause anyone to stumble, that wouldn't be right of me. What terrifies me even more is the possibility that she will take this right of wearing only a towel and I will walk out of my door and look down the hall and then pass out.

3) Noise Factor- I enjoy plucking the strings of a guitar once in a while and I'm hoping that this can continue. If I lose my musical outlet I will probably turn to mush with the kind of work I have this semester.

2) Complaints- Im just generally concerned that a mature female student and myself will be the odd couple, minus the laughter and physical threats. However, verbal complaints are a possibility and unfortunately I will not react well to these. It might be wrong, but I already have a pre-formed opinion of mature students (especially at Uvic) and I feel like if there are complaints filed it will only continue these opinions of mature students in general.

1) Bathroom Use- I worked at a camp for a long time and I had to clean a lot of bathrooms and I despised cleaning women's bathrooms because I found many awful things that I don't want to discuss. There are many things you could come up with I'm sure in your own mind. this would upset me to no end and I dont think I could use the bath. But the greatest fear by far is the possibility of someone being in the bathroom with the door unlocked and once again would result in me passing out.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Top 6 Reasons For This Posting

6. Obligation - If you're going to have a blog, you feel compelled to write it in to give it legitimacy.

5. Depression - Life has been hard. When people have hard times, they blog. Granted, I am not about to speak about my feelings, because I'm self-aware enough to know the internet doesn't care. So really, this is no good for my feelings. That's fine though - they're no good for me.

4. Facebook is Creepy - I had a sudden realization how creepy Facebook is. I gave them WAY too much information. More scary than that, is the connection that it gives me with so many people. I have changed recently in the sense that I no longer want to be linked up with people. Instead, I want to distance myself from them. Especially on the internet. I prefer secrecy. Thus, spending more time on StopSix means less time on Facebook. This is a good thing.

3. Freedom - I spend so much time learning, it's nice to be able to just write stuff down without fear of its accuracy.

2. Censorship - A recent StopSix posting by some other writers pushed the boundaries of cheesiness beyond what this site deems appropriate. Thus, there is a need to post as many entries in order to push said other entries into the archive.

1. Default - I've made it this far, I might as well finish off the list.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Top 6 Songs I want to Learn (Mostly for the Ladies)

6) Orange Sky (Alexi Murdoch)- I know this song sort of, the chords are C&G but theres some crazy guitar tapping as well. I think I mostly want to learn this song purely for the fact that his voice is so inspiring, and the lyrics could melt the coldest heart.

5) Tears in Heaven (Eric Clapton)- Not much to say about this one. I will guarntee you this, if you start playing that song in any public space by the 1st verse there will be at least 5 girls crowding around and staring intently into your eyes.

4) Dont Wait (Dashboard Confessional)- I know its cheesy but nothing says, "Girl, I know you've been hurt in the past, but I'm not the past, I'm the future," better than a dashboard ballad.

3) Black Ballon (Goo Goo Dolls)- All you need to slay some ladies with a guitar is a gut wrenching song with rich accoustic tones.

2) Fix You (Coldplay)- The lyrics are fantastic and Im pretty sure the song has been used in emotional, really get to you kind of movies. Your riding high if you can belt out the bridge. Its pretty much saying let me be the one to get you through, as long as you dont have baggage.

1) Secret Garden (Bruce Springsteen)- This is one of my favourite songs. If you haven't heard it you need to its a treat. Piano and organ thrown in with a saxaphone solo means you cant do much better. Especially useful if a lady is distant but you know if she warmed up to you it would be lights out.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Top 6 Rejected Top 6 Lists

We here at top 6 only want to put out the best quality lists for our faithful readers (mainly ourselves). Many people probably don't realize what that means. Not only does it entail spending hours dreaming up the glory that you see posted on our page, it also means that we have to scrap a lot ideas that just don't cut it. Here's a list of 6 topics that never made it onto their own list of 6.

6. Top 6 Surprisingly Sexual Parts of the Human Body
This would have been a good one, but the more I thought about it, the more I realized that pretty much every part of the body has already been sexified. If you can give me one that hasn't, then you can start your own list with it.

5. Top 6 Lego Pieces
We could rank them, but we all know that the real fun happens when they all work together.

4. Top 6 Things I Did Today
I don't presume that any six things I do in any given day is worth reading about. Maybe six things in my life. Maybe.

3. Top 6 Numbers on a Die
It all depends on what you need to get that Yhatzee.

2. Top 6
The title was too ambiguous.

1. Top 6 Cats Named George
This was going to be a fun one, but it would be hard to distinguish between them, seeing as how they are all cats and all named George.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

2008:Top 6

6. The Monthly Mixes. (See number one)
5. The Summer. First summer in B.C., Michelle's wedding, a 6 month celebration, skim boarding, golf carts, a fabulous summer job and a million other things that made it great.
4. The Family Times.
3. The Unexpecteds. ie: surprises like Cirque du Soleil, mint green shoes, spontaneous trips to Westport, Crystal Castles concert, those northern lights the camera I've been dreaming of...
2. The Spanish. Four months of things like milking a cow in Nicaragua, swimming with sting rays in Costa Rica and dancing in the streets of Habana, Cuba with people I will likely never see again and never forget.
1. The Love. (See two posts down)

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Top 6 Moments of 2008

6) Man Sailing Trip- So the story goes me and 4 very good friends of mine got payed by Camp Homewood to go on a sailing trip in February. If we didn't have the connections, we would usually have to pay between $1200-$1500 for the course but instaed we payed $60 for the course. The week went as follows. Sail during the days, study for a bit, hit up an obscure pub at night and talk about the day and enjoy the elite company we were in. Best of all, at the end, we all became certified skippers and I passed with a score of 91%. Great week with great guys and extremely useful for the rest of my ife.

5) Moving to Victoria- I dont know if I would call this a great memory and experience but it has been crucial none the less. I decided to come back and face my fear of coming back and going to school in Victoria. Im not saying its perfect, there is still a long way to go and I dont know if Im going to even be here next year but I took a leap of faith and am still living here. Thats an accomplishment by itself.

4) Growing a Pair- So this one is more of a ridicolous personal victory but Ive always have had problems sealing the deals with the lady folks. Finally this summer I had the guts to talk to a girl and tell her, "Hey, I dig your style, lets go on a date." Not excactly those words but the same idea. Unfortunately it didnt last too long, maybe a goal for 2009 is to step past growing a pair and step into maintaning "the pair" for more than 2 months. However, I did have the guts to do something about it to which Im very proud.

3) California Trip- This trip was fantastic on so many levels. First of all the people were fantastic once again. 4 rad people who were all chill and we all got along super well and all had the same goals for the trip. The adventure of driving for 24hrs straight and being super tired but enjoying it none the less. We hit up San Francisco and LA and we saw so many great sights. We stayed in sketchy hostels and we also ate for about $4 a day. It wasnt healthy but it was delicious. I think the best memory was being in Disneyland and being 20yrs old with your friends. I cant really describe it but it was so fun and hilarious. So many random memories I sont have the energy to write but it was a great trip I wont soon forget and another is possibly in the works.

2) Being CIT Leader- This summer for 2 months I was the leader of 10 guys aged 14-16. I worked with them everyday and shared so many good moments with them. It was a real chance to pour into their lives and share wisdom and knowledge with them. Even though it feels like I could have done a better job I really believe that God spoke into their lives. These 2 months were also full of challenges working with different personalities and people made it even more rewarding when it was done. I really believe this experience has confirmed my plans for the future.

1) The Beartooth Man Trip- This trip is where I became a real man. 3 good friends and I planned a trip to climb a 6,000ft mountain 30km up Powell Lake. The canoe trip was epic in itself with the 2nd day being pounding rain and me and my friend nearly getting swamped in high winds and possibly drowning. Once we got to camp we immediately started heading up to our base amp about 1500ft up to the snow line. The next day we departed very early and tried to find a route up the mountain. We tried steep routes and dangerous terrains to no luck. However we couldnt find it with over 10ft of snow in all directions. After witnessing avalanches close to us I realized how insinifigant we are compared to nature. After feeling defeated we hiked back down and I then spent the worst night of my life at the bottom. Rain poured for 15hrs straight and I went into my hammock at 7pm and didnt get out till 7am. However I did get out to fix my fly that flew open at 4am. Though we didn't succed I felt so close to nature and the guys who I was with. We all agreed at New Years it wasnt always the funnest but that night at the bottom was our top moment of 2008.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

2008: The Top 6

6. The Senior Art Show - I was asked to be a guest artist at the Senior Show last spring. I took it as an opportunity to experiment with different media, and hung site-specific light-box installations in the underground parking lot. Recently it was featured on the back cover of the university alumni magazine. I felt honored to be a part of such a great show that saw almost 2,000 people visit.

5. The Music - music and I got along really well in 2008. The vinyl collection expanded greatly, a life goal of seeing Radiohead was fulfilled, and I started to write concert reviews for Beyond Robson, so I get to go to shows for free now! Top shows include Radiohead, Fleet Foxes x2, Cut Copy/The Presets, and Yelle.

4. The Traditions - Canim Lake holds so many memories, and my 7th time there was as good as ever. I made a foam surfboard, shot guns, and gutted a fish. There is no place like Canim to make you feel like a true Canadian.

3. The Close Calls - Bethany and I drove to Alberta for a wedding. We rode bicycles in fields, stopped for wildlife, and unexpectedly saw the northern lights when we made a wrong turn. I can't believe I almost didn't go.

2. The Travels - The latter part of my summer was spent on a trip to Colombia and Peru. Traveling is always amazing, but to do it with my Dad was extra special (especially when he is fluent in Spanish).

1. The Love

Monday, January 5, 2009

Top 6 Experiences of 2008

I haven't thought too much about the order of this but I believe it's an accurate summary of 2008's highs (and, connected with them, lows). This past year will go down in history as a landmark for me. In the form of Stop Six, I shall explain.

6. The Downtime - After finishing a glory semester at a school on a hill, I decided to take some time off. I was able to disguise it as just part of the program I had taken (and at first, that was the reason) but really it was so I could have time to think. I also watched a lot of Lost. And I did a lot of writing. But most importantly, this downtime taught me how much I hate downtime. Don't get me wrong - I understand the need to relax as much as anyone. Yet I used to think that I would be happiest with nothing to do but to sit back and enjoy life with friends. That's not true. I need challenge. I need goals. Fortunately, the rest of my experiences of this past year set me up for those.

5. The Creation of Stop Six - Silly, I know. It's not that Stop Six itself is that meaningful to me. Rather, it's the fact that I have an outlet of writing. Most of my ventures in writing (like during the downtime) were far too serious. I'm a person who always needs to have a venue to express himself through writing. I would try to write the greatest composition known to man. Needless to say, it sucked the fun out of the experience. Stop Six has taught me that it's not how good you write, it's how much you enjoy writing it.

4. The Dynamic Duo - I went to my friend's cabin again this summer. Usually, I go up with a group of four or more of my other friends. This time, it was just me and said friend. I was worried that it would make for a fairly boring time, but it proved to be quite the opposite. I had more time to just chill, I didn't have to share all the fun stuff with other people and I bonded well with the one friend. And there were girls.

3. The Haters and Lovers - I had a terrible job this summer. I got no respect, shifts, or money. I wrote an angry Stop Six entry about it (one that I believe will go down in Stop Six history). It was not a good experience at all. In the limited sense at least. What this prompted was one of the best experiences of my year. It was ironic that the job that I wanted for so long was easily one of the worst I ever had. It led me to re-evaluate what exactly I wanted in life, and to see that things are rarely as you hope them to be. I quit that job and moved on to what was the best job I ever had. Why was it so good? Because I got everything that was missing - I got respect, shifts, money, and in the words of my manager - love.

2. The End of An Era - I'm not planning on going back to that school on the hill. I had many reasons to leave and not return through my years there. None of those were good, however. But the one I've left on is very, very good. And my memories from that school are equally good. Much of my past few years of life were defined by that school, and my last few weeks there were the perfect ending for it. It was like your favorite TV show coming to an end - so many great times, but to keep it going would just be an injustice. It was time for it to end, and the season finale was fantastic.

1. New Life, New Direction - Tomorrow I will officially begin at my old/new school. I used to get most excited for the video games I would get at Christmas, or seeing a pretty girl the next day at school. Now my child-like excitement is directed towards a new career path. I never thought that would be possible. The above-listed experiences all played a role in my discovery of what it was I wanted to do with my life. This is my challenge. This is my goal. Few things feel this good.

Good plot twists are not changes. They are a revelation of the unexpected direction the story was heading all along. This year, my life saw many a good plot twist.

Friday, January 2, 2009

Top 6 Albums I Discovered In 2008

6. People In Planes - As Far As The Eye Can See
I'm not fully sure that I first discovered this album in 2008. Even if it was 2007, it was probably close enough to still count. A very memorable rock album that mixes the tried, tested and true with some things I can't quite put my finger on.

5. Radiohead - Kid A
This past summer, I wrote a blog on my Radiohead experiment. The results found OK Computer as their best album. I've changed my mind. Kid A embodies Radiohead better than any other album. Also, I've come to accept that fact that I will never fully understand why Radiohead is the greatest band ever. Unrivaled in musicianship and ingenuity, that's for sure. But they're pushed more to the top because the latter attribute is also what our society holds as the highest virtue.

4. Cold War Kids - Robbers and Cowards
I went to see the Killers a few weeks ago, and was struck with the most pleasant of surprises - Cold War Kids were also on the bill. Even more surprising was that they looked nothing like the odd-ball rockers I had them pegged for. They were all fairly clean-cut young men, with the lead singer looking like Conan O'Brien. That's always a good thing. And of course the show was awesome, because Cold War Kids does what music is all about - they write, and play good songs. I guess this write-up is more about the show than the album, but the reason I liked that show was the same reason I love this album.

3. The Killers - Day and Age
I wasn't the biggest fan of the last bit of this album at first, and I'm still not. But I'm just liking the first eight songs more and more. It's too bad that the Killers got to famous and started being billed as the potential world's biggest band, because it plastered them with so many expectations. They're are not and will not be a band that is all things for all people. Just like this album. It's got rock, it's got dance, it's got jazz and who knows what else. But it certainly is not a hit machine in the traditional sense. There's a distinction between musicians who sell albums and musicians who sell songs. Day and Age works better as the full piece, which is not condusive to Big Band-ness. But I like it better that way.

2. Keane - Perfect Symmetry
Sweet, sweet Keane. Even though they are getting bigger, they are still a hidden gem. Keane is catchy and you like them when you first listen to them. Yet people who give this band a whole bunch of listens find more and more treasure each playthrough. Perfect Symmetry was very close to being the best album for me this year. But it does not function well enough on its own. It's missing Under the Iron Sea, just like Under the Iron Sea was missing Perfect Symmetry. Coupling the two together could be the culmatively greatest album of my life, but Under the Iron Sea is a few years to old for me to do that. It would just be unfair.

1. Coldplay - Viva la Vida or Death and All His Friends/Prospekt's March EP
However, both of the above albums came out this year, and were coupled in the same collection. Just like Keane's two recent albums, these two together could be culmatively the greatest album of my life. There will always be temptation to say that nothing can top Rush of Blood to the Head, but there would always be the temptation to think my life was awesome in grade 4 when I'm really just forgetting all the hardships that childhood had. There is a sure superior quality to Coldplay's work on these albums. They did a lot of different things, but it still sounds like good ol' Coldplay. Coupled with the new songs on Prospekt's March, this epic is one that I will look back on this album for the rest of my life. Probably listen to it, too.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Top 6 Albums of 2008

1. Crystal Castles - Self Titled
2. Fleet Foxes - Self Titled
3. Lykke Li - Youth Novels
4. Coldplay - Viva la Vida or Death and All His Friends
5. Hercules and Love Affair - Self Titled
6. Deerhoof - Offend Maggie