Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Top Six Things To Do When You Live Alone

I am living in an apartment at camp until the end of September and my roomate has left me for a few days. Here are a few things I may or may not have done during my hours of by-myself-living.

6. Turn on whatever music you want (Glee soundtrack) and belt it as loud as you can.

5. Pretend you are the lead singer (Rachel Berry) and perform the afore mentioned song for your imaginary audience. No need to pretend they are in their underwear, when they come from your imagination your audience always adores you.

4. Sleep with the light on. This is not a suggestion for fun, in my case is was because I was afraid of the rats in my ceiling. For you it may be for safety reasons or because your house is messy and you don't want to trip if you need to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night. If you are able to sleep with the light on you could just do it for the heck of it because it won't be keeping anyone else awake.

3. Eat ice cream for dinner.

2. Eat ice cream for your bed

1. Buy a pet fish. I haven't actually done this yet, I will tomorrow. Her name will be Rachel Berry. I might buy two...I need suggestions for another name. This suggestion is to ward off any loneliness that you might face. Sometimes fish actually have some personality (RIP Gilgamesh's Mouth) and they are pretty easy to keep. They also only cost 13 cents at Pet Smart.