Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Top 6 Careers I Should Pursue

Hello dearest readers. Although you only know me as the brilliance behind Stop Six Records, you might be surprised that there is much more you could learn about me. I'm not going to tell you what, because I don't really want you to know what. But, I have successes and struggles just like 75% of other people. My main struggle now is figuring out what my career should be. Thus, I will muse about it on my favorite blog.

6. Astronaut - I wrote a good physics midterm a few weeks back, and being a space cadet has always been a cool thought. I figure though that once you look down on the earth from the moon it gets boring just like everything else in life. And the chances of being picked for a space mission are pretty slim, last I checked. The only advantage would be if the earth was destroyed while I was in space. Then I could proceed with my own galactic civilizations!

5. Writer - I love writing Stop Six Records, but really, it doesn't pay much. That's one of the main problems with careers - you always need to be making money with them, otherwise it's sort of counterproductive. And I tried just writing once, and got very frustrated. Then I decided on the next career path...

4. Doctor - The thought of being able to heal people is awesome. Hence why I started down this path. But, my grades aren't what they should be. It's not that I'm taking this as an obstacle I don't care to overcome. Rather, for the amount of work I'm putting into it, I'm really not getting the results I should. Science is not my thing. It wasn't in high school, and it isn't now. It's something I could do decently if I really stuck with it, but it's not my thing.

3. Lawyer - I'm a great arguer. Also, I would consider myself unrivaled at public speaking. Arrogant, I know - but I'm that too. Law is thus interesting, but I wonder if it's just another new idea to get me excited for a few weeks.

2. Actor - It would be fun. Real fun. But we all know the logistics of it just don't make sense.

1. Spider-Man - But I would need to remember that with great power, comes great responsibility.


benji said...

pastor. you forgot pastor.

Mr. Donkers said...

What about professional CLA soccer player?

Dan said...

1 semester away from pastor . . .