Saturday, November 21, 2009

Top Six Things To Do in the Mall When You Forget Your Debit Card

This may or may not have happened to me today. I may or may not have had $9.50 in my wallet. I may or may not have done all of these things. you will have to guess.

6- Go into dressing rooms and listen to the conversations that the attendants are having. Apparently Girl A and Boy A are a really cute couple but Girl A doesn't like that Boy A tells his best friend, Girl B that he loves her. Ouch.

5- Go into stores that you don't usually frequent. Jewelery stores are fun, and sparkley. The Store of Knives doesn't only have knives, they also have fun gadgets like ice cream scoops and vegetable peelers. Who knew?

4 - Instead of passing by all those kiosk workers you usually ignore, let them give you their speal about how great their product is. Takes up time and allows them to practice for people who actually have money.

3 - Try on clothes that you would never actually buy or afford. It's fun to pretend you can afford a $200 dress. Plus it makes you feel like a movie star.

2 - Buy a cheap book and read it in the food court. My suggestion - any Archie Comic of your choice. Sure to take up at least an hour.

1 - Go into stores and talk to people. Every time you talk to a new person, use a different accent. Make up fun stories about where you are from. or pretend you don't speak english and you have a really urgent problem, this one only works if you speak more than one language....or are good at faking one.


Unknown said...

You should always buy Archie Comics, even when you're not in the mall.

Beccaboo said...

it wasn't as good as i remember them being. although, to be honest the last time i read one i was like....12