Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Top 6 Things I Love About Junior Campers

I’ve come up with quite a few ideas for blog entries but this is the one that is winning right now. If you haven’t read the post before this by Finneas you a) should and b) won’t know that I am away working at a summer camp in Western Washington. Last week was our first week with Junior Campers and I think they are officially my favorite age group (you can expect future entries on the Top 6 Thing I Love About Junior High Campers and then High School Campers). Junior Campers are grades 3-6.

6) They’re so little. Every single one of them is cute. They run around just being their little selves and it’s adorable.

5) They say hilarious things. One camper last week wrote a story during free time one day. She read it to me and I kept the paper she wrote it on. The first line is "A puppy walking down the road grabbed by a bloody hand...". Creepy? Yes. Hilarious? Obviously.

4) They think you’re great no matter how cool you actually are. There was a camper here to was in my cabin last summer and she was convinced that if she told me she was homesick I would let her go home. Not in my power at all. But we spent a lot of time together and she just really liked me. We didn't do anything amazingly cool but we painted pictures for her counselors and we ran around picking up dodgeballs for the people who were playing dodgeball. Apparently this makes me cool.

3) They are really easily amused. One day last week I played with a couple girls for half an hour. What did we play? How many times can we throw this ball to each other without dropping it? The record was 40.

2) They hug me. I told the counselors that I like it when campers cry because then they hug me. I really like hugs.

1) They wear the same clothes all week. My personal favorite from last week was Beth who wore a blue flannel onesie all week...seriously...every single day. Socks and flip flops were also a part of the getup I believe...

I think I might have to write more about Junior Campers because I really love them. But I'll save it for another week. Maybe Top Six Junior Camper Quotes or something.

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