Monday, April 5, 2010

Top Six Highlights of the Last Ten Days

6) April 5- Tied for first place a) leading my last ever class chapel at Summit Pacific College and b) writing my last ever counseling paper for my college career. My job as class president is almost over and I won't have to write another counseling paper until I do my master's. It was a bittersweet moment. I love my counseling courses. If I could only take counseling courses I would. If only my other papers were finished as well...

5) April 4- Spending the day with my family. We went to a wonderful Easter brunch at the Semiahmoo Inn in Blaine, Washington. We had church in the living room at Grandma and Papa's new condo and Great Grandpa Janz prayed for us. My parents and I had the priviledge of driving Great Grandpa Janz home and listening to his stories.

4) April 3 - Finding a dress for the grad banquet. I have probably tried on over 40 dresses. I finally found the perfect one on Saturday. It will be perfect with my shoes.

3) March 29 - I got to spend the day driving to Seattle with my friends Corey and Danielle. Danielle was leaving for Ecuador for a missions trip and we had a wonderful time driving down there, eating lunch at my favorite sub place in Bellingham, getting coffee at my second favorite coffee place in Bellingham, shopping at the outlets, wearing red shoes and listening to 'Hello Seattle' way too many times.

2) March 29 - Finding out that one of my favorite people in the whole wide world is going to be working at camp with me this summer. We will share an office and a cabin and it will be splendid. Christina, you are great and I am so thankful for you.

1) March 29 (it was a REALLY good day!) - I found out that I made it into the Top 24 for 107.1 FM's Big Break Contest ( It is such an honor to be chosen and I can't wait to see what God has up his sleevies for the next round!

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