6) Kitchen Use- Ill be honest, Im a man on the go, I don't have a lot of time to do dishes and stuff like that so I leave them for a few days. Im concerned that I will cause a controversy with my dishes and I'll have to reform my ways. I am a man who likes things to be a certain way. There is also potential for things to be moved around in the kitchen and Im going to get home at 1130 one night and Ill see my George Foreman Grill will be turned into a scone maker.
5) Awkward Interactions- It will happen, I'm probably going to run into her from time to time and I'm going to have make conversation with someone who is perhaps the most extreme of my bracket of age and sex etc. Ill ask her how school is going while I make dinner and I'm sure I'll run out of things to say and there will be a silence and I'll probably fill the silence by asking a stupid question or giving her too much information about myself. Not Cool.
4) Dress Code- When I wake up in the morning I have not much on, mostly boxers. I believe a universal right of every man should be to walk around in a towel in his own house. I fear this privilige will be lost. I don't want to cause anyone to stumble, that wouldn't be right of me. What terrifies me even more is the possibility that she will take this right of wearing only a towel and I will walk out of my door and look down the hall and then pass out.
3) Noise Factor- I enjoy plucking the strings of a guitar once in a while and I'm hoping that this can continue. If I lose my musical outlet I will probably turn to mush with the kind of work I have this semester.
2) Complaints- Im just generally concerned that a mature female student and myself will be the odd couple, minus the laughter and physical threats. However, verbal complaints are a possibility and unfortunately I will not react well to these. It might be wrong, but I already have a pre-formed opinion of mature students (especially at Uvic) and I feel like if there are complaints filed it will only continue these opinions of mature students in general.
1) Bathroom Use- I worked at a camp for a long time and I had to clean a lot of bathrooms and I despised cleaning women's bathrooms because I found many awful things that I don't want to discuss. There are many things you could come up with I'm sure in your own mind. this would upset me to no end and I dont think I could use the bath. But the greatest fear by far is the possibility of someone being in the bathroom with the door unlocked and once again would result in me passing out.
Maybe you'll fall in love . . .
That's what I was thinking. Older women are like fine wine, Mark.
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