Monday, March 11, 2013

Top Six Animals I Would Like To Cuddle

After a two-year hiatus, we are back! An international, eight-show world tour to come!

To further celebrate this, here is a list of animals that I wish were cuddle-able:

6) A porcupine.
Aside from their physiological-spinyness, there is really nothing wrong with these fun creatures. In fact, I have it on good authority (my own opinion) that they are actually really friendly animals. The only problem is the barbarous backside they possess. Yes, you could attempt to sneak in a ventrally-focused cuddle-sesh, but the risk is too great. And we all know that the best cuddles are risk-free.

5) A gryphon (or griffin).
The poor things have such a hard life. Not only are people turned off by the fact that they are half-breeds, they have to deal with the inanity of not even existing! I can't imagine what that would be like.

4) The dog I saw leaning his head far out of his car window yesterday.
Because that dog didn't care at all if a nearby vehicle clipped his head. He just loved his freedom. Freedom is a cuddle-worthy virtue.

3) A beluga. 
Oh, Mr. Beluga, would you please swim this way, let me give you a hug and pat you on your weird blubber-head-thing? Pretty please?

2) A grizzly bear.
Know what would be even better than winter vacation? A snuggling-up-with-a-friendly-grizzly-and-sleeping-for-four-months vacation! It's too bad that the grizzly would likely eat you. Even then, I do still consider this from time to time.

1) Anna Kendrick.


Unknown said...

Apparently I still have Stop Six Records listed as my website on facebook. Glad to see you're writing here again!

Joy said...

Ouch! Thanks for the fun Blog!