Monday, February 14, 2011

Top Six Valentine's Day Memories

6. Unknown year - When Jess and I both got the same Kelly Clarkson CD.

5. Another Unknown Year- When I cut/coloured my hair in the same style as Martina McBride and then went to a hockey game of some boys from school (I think it was some of the guys from Joseph/Fiddler) and someone told me I looked like her. Always a good day when someone says you look like your favourite singer.

4. 2010 - When Danielle and I went to Save-On Foods and got free leftover chocolate. Delish!

3. 2007 - When Chelsea (I think it was Chelsea) thought way ahead and brought Valentine's Day decorations to Uganda and decorated our kitchen before anyone was awake. So special!

2. 2004 (?) - When all the flowers had been handed out (from the school fundraiser) I heard someone say my name in the hallway. My heart started racing, I was so excited! They brought a beautiful bouquet in and I opened the card. Someone asked who they were from and I blushed and said, "My Mom". Ridiculously embarrassing for a 14 year old, wonderfully lovely to a 22 year old.

1. 2011 - When I walked to the store and bought myself flowers, chocolate and a magazine with The Bachelor - Brad Womack on the cover and decided that for this year I will remember what it means to love myself and to love who I was created to be! This will include, reading the magazine, eating the chocolate, smelling the flowers and most likely painting or doing something crafty.

Happy Valentine's Day! Hope it's full of LOVE!!!

1 comment:

JGuizar said...

I like the way you make the top six, just one more than the usual, I've read a few of your posts and I must say you've got some interesting subjects on there, every now and then I also post a top 5, I'm just starting out, but come take a look