I'm supposed to be studying for my Old Testament Theology exam right now. It feels slightly superfluous since I took Pentateuch from the same prof and I'm pretty sure he's using the same notes. We've just reached The Call of Moses in class so thus far it's all been stuff I've heard before (he even uses the same jokes in the same parts of the notes). So, procrastinating is looking really great right now. Here are some wonderful procrastination tools if you find yourself in a similar place as me. (PS - Writing a blog post is a given, seeing as that is what I'm doing so you won't find it on the list. Please see it as an acceptable alternative to anything you dislike on the following list.)
6. Facebook - The ultimate procrastination tool. If you don't have any wall posts, photo comments or messages to read, write some. Go to the photo section and see what your friends have posted lately. Read some notes, look for interesting groups, go to a group for a television show and play trivia games! The possibilities are endless!
5. Youtube videos - my favorites right now are Prank Wars. However if you search Kittens Inspired by Kittens, Baby Laughing at Ripping Paper or A cultural birthday extravaganza for Jess' sister Becca you will not be disappointed. Once you've found a video you like check out the side bar for videos that are similar. You can also find me singing the national anthem at a Cheifs game if you're interested by searching Becca Janz. (Sidenote - I went to look up the birthday one from my sister and in the related videos section is a video of Jessica Lowndes (from 90210) singing something...I went to high school with her! CRAZY!)
4. Tetris
3. Reorganize your closet/bathroom/bedroom/sock drawer. That way you will feel productive as you procrastinate. Organizing your bookself into alphabetical order, smallest to largest or by the dewey decimal system is also acceptable.
2. Check the Fox website for updates on the open casting call for GLEE. I check it every day just in case they've put up more information on it...even though I signed up for an email to let me know when there is more information. My procrastination in this manner for today led me to having FINN HUDSON (played by Calgary native Corey Monteith) as my desktop background. Yes, I'm a Gleek.
1. MLIA. mylifeisaverage.com is an amazing procrastination tool! It's better than FML because it is funny and happy and doesn't talk about awkward things that happen when you hook up with people as much. Stories about Harry Potter, Onsies, Snuggies and really cool old people dominate the pages and I guarantee you, you will find yourself chuckling out loud at least once if you read a few pages. I once submitted a story which was posted. It was the best day of my life.
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