Friday, October 17, 2008

Top 6 Suprises of Since September 1st

6) I havent been talked to in Intrumural Soccer- When playing any type of sport as anybody who knows me will see I get pretty into it. I think in intrumurals last time I almost got in 2 fights and i got scolded by refrees and opposing players. this hasn't happened so far this year maybe because I'm too out of shape to be able to fight or run fast enough to get away from a scary man. Or maybe I'm older and I can't handle the thought of getting broken by a retaliation tackle.

5) I actually have decent marks- The first semester of my last tur of duty here my first semester was a train wreck. Also known by some as the fire semester. Bad marks poured in like returns on boxing day. It was a tornado of dissapointment. This year however, every assingment ive gotten back has been over 80%. This will hopefully continue but there's a mid term next week that could reperesent an extreme down turn.

4) I haven't missed a bus yet- Last year living in a place where busing to school was nescessary I was frequently late and missed buses. However this year even though bus usage is down Ive hit everyone on the money. There is no worse feeling than running after a bus in despair knowing that you won't get it and you'll be late for a midterm. It's like the guy who talks about the girl who is always just out of reach. He's giving it his all just to be dissapointed.

3) I've only been home once so far this year- If you know me well enough, youll know what Im talking about.

2) Ive been in a relationship for longer than a month- Knowing my illustrious career of realtionships it's clear that something is going right. Proably because she is a top notch girl. Certain haters have predicted doom within the first month. however if one of the Donkers had to lay himself down in order for my happiness, I have to pump it up.

1) I havent amounted a debt so far- by this time last year i was begining the financial nose dive that cost me $750 by the end of the first semester. It's never a good idea to buy stuff with money you dont have, especially if that money is coming from your parents. Word of advice for everyone. I think Im happiest about this cause I am not imitating wall street right now and going into a crisis that only a governing institution can get me out off. We all know of what institution i speak of.


Unknown said...

I'm so happy you updated.

Dan said...

I believe they call #6 a "Moral Hazard." At least that's what wikipedia calls it. Good job avoiding that one!